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Frozen grapes

Stock your freezer to simplify meal prep

Simplify meal prep by stocking your freezer with building blocks for healthy breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks. Nancy Waldeck, a chef at Cancer Wellness, shares her freezer must-haves below.

  • Chopped onions or mirepoix (chopped carrots, celery and onion). Ideal for making soups, stews and sauces. "You can either chop these veggies yourself or shop the freezer section of your grocery store," says Waldeck. "Freezing vegetables keeps them fresh and you'll eliminate an entire step from your meal prep."

  • Fruit. Use frozen fruit in smoothies or on top of Greek yogurt. Waldeck also likes to freeze grapes in individual bags for an on-the-go snack.

  • Meat, poultry and fish. "Store them in individual serving portions," she says. "One, they will thaw much faster. Two, you will only eat what you planned to eat and won't overdo the portions."

  • Peas and beans. Waldeck keeps a variety in her freezer to use in soups, stews and side dishes.

  • Plain pre-chopped vegetables. Pick up bags of frozen broccoli, spinach, green beans and cauliflower for simple side dishes you can roast or steam in the microwave. "Frozen chopped spinach is a must for me," she says. "It can be added to any soup or casserole to ramp up the veggie quotient." Just skip vegetables that come packaged with cheese or sauces.

  • Veggie burgers. "Be a label detective," advises Waldeck. "Choose a veggie burger with the ingredients you are comfortable eating."

For more tips to simply meal planning, check out Waldeck's pantry must-haves.  

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